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Video Archive
1- You Can Understand the Bible
2- How Ancient Babylon Foretold the End of the World
3- How Near is the End
4- Bible Prophecy's Answer for Human Suffering
5- The War Behind the Wars - Part 1
6- The War Behind the Wars - Part 2
7- Does Jesus Christ Have A Twin?
8- The Actual, Certain, Unavoidable Identity of the Antichrist
9- The Rock that Simply Will Not Roll - Part 1
10- The Rock that Simply Will Not Roll - Part 2
11- How Jesus Christ Will Defy the Skeptics and Return to Earth
14- Perfect Prophetic Proof of Jesus Christ's Identity
15- When Will the Final Judgment Take Place?
16- How to Face Death Unafraid
17- How to Postpone Your Funeral by David
18- The Good News About Hell
19- How Not To Get The Mark of the Beast
20- The United States in Bible Prophecy
21- Babylon is Alive and Well
22- God Has A Church On Earth No Kidding
23- Who is Real Israel
24- How to Get on and Stay on the Narrow Path
PAS -1 Urgent, Urgent, Read All About
PAS-2 A Deep Sense of Urgency
PAS -3 Signs of the Times
PAS-4 Starwars is More than a Movie Pt.1
PAS-5 Starwars is More than a Movie Pt.2
PAS-6 Who is the "Beast" who gives the Mark?
01 - Signs You Can't Ignore
02 - Hope Awakens
03 - The Unseen Enemy
04 - Heroes in a Time of Crisis
05 - From Failure to Victory
06 - Earth’s Ultimate Remedy
07 - Rest and Recovery
Worthy or Unworthy
One In Christ
Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God
The Golden Candlestick
Trumpet Timeline
5ENSORIAL | Watching - The Multimedia Industry (1)
144,00 Who Are They
08 - A Matter of Trust
09 - Beyond the Light
10 - Lockdown: A Planet in Isolation
11 - The New Normal: A World Without Fear
144,000 Disciples
A More Sure Word of Prophecy
A Perfect Reflection
A Servant's Heart
Ashes That Bring Life
An Easy Way to Understand Bible Prophecy
Authority & the Gospel
Blind Followers
COMMUNION: Balance Sheet
Forgiveness in the Midst of Suffering
Ecclesia, A Church and A Purpose
Dressed In Light (I)
Dressed In Light (II)
Dressed In Light (III)
God's Awareness
Perfect Will Of God
Every Difficulty
My Testimony
5ENSORIAL | Watching - The Multimedia Industry (2)
The Two Sons
Distracted, Lost or Found
I Am My Brother's Keeper
Where Is The Army of Youth?
A Fitness for Heaven Part III
Understanding the Bible: A Study of Bible History Timeline
An Anchor for the Church
Will You Return to God What is His?
Righteousness By Faith
Sleeping At Midnight
From QOD to Desmond Ford
Confusion on Prophecy
Why Jesus Waits (2)
Why Jesus Waits (3)
It stumps God; the question not even God could answer
Foundational Points
Do you understand what you are reading?
A Special Work of Purification
Brain Meditation and Spirituality
The Danger Zone
The David I Know
Paul; why he seems to be such a problem
A Glimpse of the Gospel Hidden in Bible Stories
COMMUNION: Remembrance
Cleansing the Sanctuary
God's Ark of Safety
Where to Plant
The Last Sign
The Chamber of Love
Egypt to Canaan
Will Elijah Shine (1)
What is the Purpose of the Church?
Two Ways
Egypt to Canaan
Overcoming Sin
Final Events & the New World Order
Our Mandate and Dispensationalism
Time is Short, What Shall We Do?
Egypt to Canaan (2)
People of the Book
Preparing for the Counterfeit Revival
The Main Part of Communion Service
Power Failure
The Practical Christian
Failure Under Stress
The Ultimate Strike
The Training School (1)
Jericho Again
Look For The Way-Marks
Prayer Meeting: Shielded
Sabbath School (Stay Home Period)
Prayer Meeting: Chances
Final ___________
Prayer Meeting
God's Providential Leading
When all goes Wrong!
12 - Experiencing Renewal: A Life Renewed
13 - Survival Keys for Challenging Times
14 - The Next Superpower
15 - A House Divided
16 - Ancient Empires, Modern Mysteries
17 - A Place of Safety
01 - Signs You Can't Ignore (ASL)
02 - Hope Awakens (ASL)
03 - The Unseen Enemy (ASL)
04 - Heroes in a Time of Crisis (ASL)
05 - From Failure to Victory (ASL)
06 - Earth’s Ultimate Remedy (ASL)
07 - Rest and Recovery (ASL)
08 - A Matter Of Trust (ASL)
09 - Beyond the Light (ASL)
10 - Lockdown: A Planet in Isolation (ASL)
11 - The New Normal: A World Without Fear (ASL)
12 - Experiencing Renewal (ASL)
13 - Survival Keys for Challenging Times (ASL)
14 - The Next Superpower (ASL)
15 - A House Divided (ASL)
16 - Ancient Empires, Modern Mysteries (ASL)
17 - A Place of Safety (ASL)
18 - The Final Invitation (ASL)
18 - The Final Invitation
01- Esperanza y seguridad en un mundo incierto
02- Esperanza frente a lo imposible
03- Esperanza desde el Centro de Operaciones del Universo.
04- La señal Divina de esperanza
05- Esperanza para un nuevo comienzo
06- Un sólo Dios, ¿por qué tantas religiones?
07- Esperanza más allá de la muerte
19 - The Ultimate Destination
20 - The Journey
19 - The Ultimate Destination (ASL)
20 - The Journey (ASL)
08- El pueblo de la esperanza
09- Esperanza hecha realidad
COVID-19 Test Drive Dress Rehearsal?
Independence Day
The spirit of Elijah and John the Baptist
For such a time as this
How Many?
Chasing the Devil's Rabbits
Watch Out
The (Final) Movement
How Shall We Stand?
Evidence that the Bible is True
Practical Spirituality
God's Plan On How to Conquer Jericho
Practical Spirituality 2
Bread and Water
What Am I Supposed to Do Now?
Born Again
I am God! - So?
People's Value(s
The Bible and Alcohol Drinking
The 144,000- They say God has no respect for persons?
The Finishing Work in You" by Elder Bryan Boynes
Let The Light Shine
Adam, Noah, Abraham and a covenan
The Sufferings of Christ
God's Medicine vs Man's Medicine
What's Going to Cause the Real Problem
The Anointed Rod and Staff
A Father's Love
What is the Mark of the Beast
The Sixth Day
Walking with Jesus
What Might Have Been
Sunset or Sunrise
Dispensationalism and Our Mandate"
Self Control
Anchored In Christ
Loving A Symbol of Grief
True Colors
Two Unlikely Candidates
"What Will Keep Us from Falling in the Last Hour?"
Stand Alone
The Blessed Hope
The Pre-Advent Judgment
"The Mission"
"Why hasn't Jesus come back yet?"
"The Three Little Christians"
Righteousness Starts in the Home
Living the Life
The Everlasting Gospel
Biography of Jesus
"Afraid of the Maid "
Camden SDA Service
Lest We Forget
The Ten Commandments
And Who is That God That Shall Deliver You
Return of Babylon
The Amazing Book
The First
Dark Providences
The Church in Transition
Exceptional and Unexceptional America
The Majesty of Heaven
"Easy Salvation for Hard Sinners"
"How to Handle a Crisis"
"How to Prepare for the Time of Trouble"
"Solo Warriors' Warfare?..."
"When the Seventh Trumpet Sounds"
"Why I Am A Seventh-day Adventist"
"The Prophetic Story of 3 Women"
"True Revival Prt 1"
"True Revival Prt 2"
"Save the Nation"
"End Time Messages"
"John the Baptist"
"The Organic Church"
"Let's Study"
"Two Sides to a Coin"
SDA General Conference Session 2022
"Full Power"
"What in the World Keeps Happening?"
"Finding Hope in Difficult Times"
"Facing A Crisis"
"What am I Doing?"
"The Christian Help Work" by Romone Gibbs
"The Last 5 Kings of Judah"
"Knowing the Time"
"Supernatural Warfare (The Underworld)"
"The Test Before the Great Test"
"The Last Five Kings of Judah part 2"
"The Individual"
"The Family"
"The Sealing Work and It's Order"
"Q and A Session"
"The Continues" by Elder Dwayne Lemon
"Things in the Bible I don't understand but I will clearly explain"
"The Remnant"
"Preparation for Christ"
"Doves & Ravens"
"Examining the GUEST"
"Revelation 13"
"The Forced Cross"
"The Staff and the Sling"
"Am I My Brothers Keeper"
"The Brain-Body Connection"
"The Gut-Brain Connection"
"The Message to Laodicea"
"Having the Mind of Christ"
"Virgins and Signs of the Times"
"Three Angels Message"
"Battlefield (Under Attack)"
"Land of Canaan"
"The True Motive of Service"
"As It Was, so Shall It Be"
"Pursuit Of Truth"
"(Re)Focusing - It's All About Jesus"
"God's Instructions for Tithe, Offerings, and Firstfruit Prt. 1"
"God's Instruction for Tithe, Offering and 1st Fruit Part 2" by Elder Clifton Barnes-2-25-2023
"Tithe Application"
"Relative Righteousness"
Baptismal Service
Investigative Judgement and the Closing of the Gospel
"Noah's Prophecies Revealed"
"The Beast, Image and Mark"
(IR)Relevant Culture
"Seventh-day Adventism Needs Updating"
"The War to End all Wars"
"Lying Lips" - Elder Calvin Howell
"Reflections on the Present Truth"
"Salvation Through Faith"
"Battling Cancer God's Way"
"Who Should Get Our Tithes?"
"Overcoming the Media Trap"
"Media Addiction and the Brain"
"Natural Healing And The Brain"
"Practical Sanctuary"
"The Adventist World Aviation Mission Report" - Bro. Caleb Runne- 9-9-23
"That One Thing"
"Steps to Christ"
"Communication God's Way or the Wrong Way"
"Salted Christians"
"Character Perfection"
"Waging Love"
"Are You on Life Support"
"All Can Win"
"Militant & Triumphant"
"O Thou of Little Faith"
"Obedience Is the Condition"
"Connection Between the Rise of Adventism and the Prophecies"
"Remember Now Thy Creator" Mini Concert - 12-23-23
"Remember Now Thy Creator"
God's Love for the Family
"The Foundation of Present Truth,Part 2"
"Doing the Impossible"
"Where Will I Spend Eternity?"
"The Greatest Travesty of Justice"
“Egypt, Jericho and Armageddon”
Prepare To Meet Thy God Elder Boykin
“Lethal Weapon or Healing Balm?”
“When Time is not Prophetic”
“Running With Patience”
“Principle & Example”
“True Repentance Vs. False Repentance”
Jackson Community MobilePack Volunteer Project
“A Lesson Learned”
“The Everlasting Covenant”
“ Why, What, and How?"
“ Practical Concepts"
“ The Abomination of Desolation"
“ Lovers of Pleasure More Than Lovers of God"
“ Digging Ditches"
"What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life"
"Stop, Look, and Listen"
"Bread of Life"
"No, Time, Stop"
"No Justice.... No Peace"
"God's Doctrine"
"There Was No King in Israel"
"Assurance of Salvation & the Cost to God"
"Dare to Be"
"The Holy Law & the Holy Spirit"
"Saved By Hope"
"Shortcuts, Long Runs, & the Narrow Way"
"God Chooses Ordinary People"
"Character Construction"
"Bread Crumbs"
"The Sixth Seal"
"Co-Crucifixion, Co-Death, Co-Resurrection"
"The Great Test"
"The Mission (Is Possible)"
"No Justice, No Peace Part 2"
"Do Heresies Have a Good Purpose?"
"The History of The Sabbath"
"Purposeful Partnership" - Pastor Daniel Spencer - 11-16-24
“The Armor, Why Do I Need It?”
“Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?”
“Restoring Eden's Lost Remedies”
“Soul and Spirit”
“What Is The Mark of His Name?”
"Sunday Law Update"
“The Holidays' Spirit”- Pastor Daniel Spencer
“Preserving Health God's Way"
"Never Too Old!"
"Final Events!"- Pastor Daniel Spencer
"The Five I(s) and I"
"Spiritual Growth"
"The Love Language of God"
"Spiritual Reset"- Pastor Daniel Spencer
Bible Study
Bible Lessons
Discover Prophecy Seminar
Esperanza en Jesús
1- You Can Understand the Bible
2- How Ancient Babylon Foretold the End of the World
3- How Near is the End
4- Bible Prophecy's Answer for Human Suffering
5- The War Behind the Wars - Part 1
6- The War Behind the Wars - Part 2
7- Does Jesus Christ Have A Twin?
8- The Actual, Certain, Unavoidable Identity of the Antichrist
9- The Rock that Simply Will Not Roll - Part 1
10- The Rock that Simply Will Not Roll - Part 2
11- How Jesus Christ Will Defy the Skeptics and Return to Earth
14- Perfect Prophetic Proof of Jesus Christ's Identity
15- When Will the Final Judgment Take Place?
16- How to Face Death Unafraid
17- How to Postpone Your Funeral by David
18- The Good News About Hell
19- How Not To Get The Mark of the Beast
20- The United States in Bible Prophecy
21- Babylon is Alive and Well
22- God Has A Church On Earth No Kidding
23- Who is Real Israel
24- How to Get on and Stay on the Narrow Path
PAS -1 Urgent, Urgent, Read All About
PAS-2 A Deep Sense of Urgency
PAS -3 Signs of the Times
PAS-4 Starwars is More than a Movie Pt.1
PAS-5 Starwars is More than a Movie Pt.2
PAS-6 Who is the "Beast" who gives the Mark?
01 - Signs You Can't Ignore
02 - Hope Awakens
03 - The Unseen Enemy
04 - Heroes in a Time of Crisis
05 - From Failure to Victory
06 - Earth’s Ultimate Remedy
07 - Rest and Recovery
Worthy or Unworthy
One In Christ
Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God
The Golden Candlestick
Trumpet Timeline
5ENSORIAL | Watching - The Multimedia Industry (1)
144,00 Who Are They
08 - A Matter of Trust
09 - Beyond the Light
10 - Lockdown: A Planet in Isolation
11 - The New Normal: A World Without Fear
144,000 Disciples
A More Sure Word of Prophecy
A Perfect Reflection
A Servant's Heart
Ashes That Bring Life
An Easy Way to Understand Bible Prophecy
Authority & the Gospel
Blind Followers
COMMUNION: Balance Sheet
Forgiveness in the Midst of Suffering
Ecclesia, A Church and A Purpose
Dressed In Light (I)
Dressed In Light (II)
Dressed In Light (III)
God's Awareness
Perfect Will Of God
Every Difficulty
My Testimony
5ENSORIAL | Watching - The Multimedia Industry (2)
The Two Sons
Distracted, Lost or Found
I Am My Brother's Keeper
Where Is The Army of Youth?
A Fitness for Heaven Part III
Understanding the Bible: A Study of Bible History Timeline
An Anchor for the Church
Will You Return to God What is His?
Righteousness By Faith
Sleeping At Midnight
From QOD to Desmond Ford
Confusion on Prophecy
Why Jesus Waits (2)
Why Jesus Waits (3)
It stumps God; the question not even God could answer
Foundational Points
Do you understand what you are reading?
A Special Work of Purification
Brain Meditation and Spirituality
The Danger Zone
The David I Know
Paul; why he seems to be such a problem
A Glimpse of the Gospel Hidden in Bible Stories
COMMUNION: Remembrance
Cleansing the Sanctuary
God's Ark of Safety
Where to Plant
The Last Sign
The Chamber of Love
Egypt to Canaan
Will Elijah Shine (1)
What is the Purpose of the Church?
Two Ways
Egypt to Canaan
Overcoming Sin
Final Events & the New World Order
Our Mandate and Dispensationalism
Time is Short, What Shall We Do?
Egypt to Canaan (2)
People of the Book
Preparing for the Counterfeit Revival
The Main Part of Communion Service
Power Failure
The Practical Christian
Failure Under Stress
The Ultimate Strike
The Training School (1)
Jericho Again
Look For The Way-Marks
Prayer Meeting: Shielded
Sabbath School (Stay Home Period)
Prayer Meeting: Chances
Final ___________
Prayer Meeting
God's Providential Leading
When all goes Wrong!
12 - Experiencing Renewal: A Life Renewed
13 - Survival Keys for Challenging Times
14 - The Next Superpower
15 - A House Divided
16 - Ancient Empires, Modern Mysteries
17 - A Place of Safety
01 - Signs You Can't Ignore (ASL)
02 - Hope Awakens (ASL)
03 - The Unseen Enemy (ASL)
04 - Heroes in a Time of Crisis (ASL)
05 - From Failure to Victory (ASL)
06 - Earth’s Ultimate Remedy (ASL)
07 - Rest and Recovery (ASL)
08 - A Matter Of Trust (ASL)
09 - Beyond the Light (ASL)
10 - Lockdown: A Planet in Isolation (ASL)
11 - The New Normal: A World Without Fear (ASL)
12 - Experiencing Renewal (ASL)
13 - Survival Keys for Challenging Times (ASL)
14 - The Next Superpower (ASL)
15 - A House Divided (ASL)
16 - Ancient Empires, Modern Mysteries (ASL)
17 - A Place of Safety (ASL)
18 - The Final Invitation (ASL)
18 - The Final Invitation
01- Esperanza y seguridad en un mundo incierto
02- Esperanza frente a lo imposible
03- Esperanza desde el Centro de Operaciones del Universo.
04- La señal Divina de esperanza
05- Esperanza para un nuevo comienzo
06- Un sólo Dios, ¿por qué tantas religiones?
07- Esperanza más allá de la muerte
19 - The Ultimate Destination
20 - The Journey
19 - The Ultimate Destination (ASL)
20 - The Journey (ASL)
08- El pueblo de la esperanza
09- Esperanza hecha realidad
COVID-19 Test Drive Dress Rehearsal?
Independence Day
The spirit of Elijah and John the Baptist
For such a time as this
How Many?
Chasing the Devil's Rabbits
Watch Out
The (Final) Movement
How Shall We Stand?
Evidence that the Bible is True
Practical Spirituality
God's Plan On How to Conquer Jericho
Practical Spirituality 2
Bread and Water
What Am I Supposed to Do Now?
Born Again
I am God! - So?
People's Value(s
The Bible and Alcohol Drinking
The 144,000- They say God has no respect for persons?
The Finishing Work in You" by Elder Bryan Boynes
Let The Light Shine
Adam, Noah, Abraham and a covenan
The Sufferings of Christ
God's Medicine vs Man's Medicine
What's Going to Cause the Real Problem
The Anointed Rod and Staff
A Father's Love
What is the Mark of the Beast
The Sixth Day
Walking with Jesus
What Might Have Been
Sunset or Sunrise
Dispensationalism and Our Mandate"
Self Control
Anchored In Christ
Loving A Symbol of Grief
True Colors
Two Unlikely Candidates
"What Will Keep Us from Falling in the Last Hour?"
Stand Alone
The Blessed Hope
The Pre-Advent Judgment
"The Mission"
"Why hasn't Jesus come back yet?"
"The Three Little Christians"
Righteousness Starts in the Home
Living the Life
The Everlasting Gospel
Biography of Jesus
"Afraid of the Maid "
Camden SDA Service
Lest We Forget
The Ten Commandments
And Who is That God That Shall Deliver You
Return of Babylon
The Amazing Book
The First
Dark Providences
The Church in Transition
Exceptional and Unexceptional America
The Majesty of Heaven
"Easy Salvation for Hard Sinners"
"How to Handle a Crisis"
"How to Prepare for the Time of Trouble"
"Solo Warriors' Warfare?..."
"When the Seventh Trumpet Sounds"
"Why I Am A Seventh-day Adventist"
"The Prophetic Story of 3 Women"
"True Revival Prt 1"
"True Revival Prt 2"
"Save the Nation"
"End Time Messages"
"John the Baptist"
"The Organic Church"
"Let's Study"
"Two Sides to a Coin"
SDA General Conference Session 2022
"Full Power"
"What in the World Keeps Happening?"
"Finding Hope in Difficult Times"
"Facing A Crisis"
"What am I Doing?"
"The Christian Help Work" by Romone Gibbs
"The Last 5 Kings of Judah"
"Knowing the Time"
"Supernatural Warfare (The Underworld)"
"The Test Before the Great Test"
"The Last Five Kings of Judah part 2"
"The Individual"
"The Family"
"The Sealing Work and It's Order"
"Q and A Session"
"The Continues" by Elder Dwayne Lemon
"Things in the Bible I don't understand but I will clearly explain"
"The Remnant"
"Preparation for Christ"
"Doves & Ravens"
"Examining the GUEST"
"Revelation 13"
"The Forced Cross"
"The Staff and the Sling"
"Am I My Brothers Keeper"
"The Brain-Body Connection"
"The Gut-Brain Connection"
"The Message to Laodicea"
"Having the Mind of Christ"
"Virgins and Signs of the Times"
"Three Angels Message"
"Battlefield (Under Attack)"
"Land of Canaan"
"The True Motive of Service"
"As It Was, so Shall It Be"
"Pursuit Of Truth"
"(Re)Focusing - It's All About Jesus"
"God's Instructions for Tithe, Offerings, and Firstfruit Prt. 1"
"God's Instruction for Tithe, Offering and 1st Fruit Part 2" by Elder Clifton Barnes-2-25-2023
"Tithe Application"
"Relative Righteousness"
Baptismal Service
Investigative Judgement and the Closing of the Gospel
"Noah's Prophecies Revealed"
"The Beast, Image and Mark"
(IR)Relevant Culture
"Seventh-day Adventism Needs Updating"
"The War to End all Wars"
"Lying Lips" - Elder Calvin Howell
"Reflections on the Present Truth"
"Salvation Through Faith"
"Battling Cancer God's Way"
"Who Should Get Our Tithes?"
"Overcoming the Media Trap"
"Media Addiction and the Brain"
"Natural Healing And The Brain"
"Practical Sanctuary"
"The Adventist World Aviation Mission Report" - Bro. Caleb Runne- 9-9-23
"That One Thing"
"Steps to Christ"
"Communication God's Way or the Wrong Way"
"Salted Christians"
"Character Perfection"
"Waging Love"
"Are You on Life Support"
"All Can Win"
"Militant & Triumphant"
"O Thou of Little Faith"
"Obedience Is the Condition"
"Connection Between the Rise of Adventism and the Prophecies"
"Remember Now Thy Creator" Mini Concert - 12-23-23
"Remember Now Thy Creator"
God's Love for the Family
"The Foundation of Present Truth,Part 2"
"Doing the Impossible"
"Where Will I Spend Eternity?"
"The Greatest Travesty of Justice"
“Egypt, Jericho and Armageddon”
Prepare To Meet Thy God Elder Boykin
“Lethal Weapon or Healing Balm?”
“When Time is not Prophetic”
“Running With Patience”
“Principle & Example”
“True Repentance Vs. False Repentance”
Jackson Community MobilePack Volunteer Project
“A Lesson Learned”
“The Everlasting Covenant”
“ Why, What, and How?"
“ Practical Concepts"
“ The Abomination of Desolation"
“ Lovers of Pleasure More Than Lovers of God"
“ Digging Ditches"
"What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life"
"Stop, Look, and Listen"
"Bread of Life"
"No, Time, Stop"
"No Justice.... No Peace"
"God's Doctrine"
"There Was No King in Israel"
"Assurance of Salvation & the Cost to God"
"Dare to Be"
"The Holy Law & the Holy Spirit"
"Saved By Hope"
"Shortcuts, Long Runs, & the Narrow Way"
"God Chooses Ordinary People"
"Character Construction"
"Bread Crumbs"
"The Sixth Seal"
"Co-Crucifixion, Co-Death, Co-Resurrection"
"The Great Test"
"The Mission (Is Possible)"
"No Justice, No Peace Part 2"
"Do Heresies Have a Good Purpose?"
"The History of The Sabbath"
"Purposeful Partnership" - Pastor Daniel Spencer - 11-16-24
“The Armor, Why Do I Need It?”
“Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?”
“Restoring Eden's Lost Remedies”
“Soul and Spirit”
“What Is The Mark of His Name?”
"Sunday Law Update"
“The Holidays' Spirit”- Pastor Daniel Spencer
“Preserving Health God's Way"
"Never Too Old!"
"Final Events!"- Pastor Daniel Spencer
"The Five I(s) and I"
"Spiritual Growth"
"The Love Language of God"
"Spiritual Reset"- Pastor Daniel Spencer
Hope Awakens (ASL)
Hope Awakens (English)
Online Giving
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